Post by Mhlvgt on Nov 4, 2012 15:12:26 GMT -5
As an Italian, i feel almost obliged to write something about the Mediterranean Diet, a nutritional model inspired to traditional dietary patterns of Italy, Spain, France et cetera;
It's considered by many the most well-structured nutritional model.
In this diet we can see a large use of bread, fruit, vegetables, spices, cereals, olive oil, fish and wine; it seems paradoxical, but olive oil lowers bad-cholesterole level, and a little alcol after each meal is a protective factor.
Mostly bread, pasta and rice, but also corn, barley, spelt and oat.
Their composition presents a discreet content of slow-absorb carbohydrats and a high content of proteins. It's good for you to assume every kind of protein in order to have no lack of one-or-more type of amino acids.
They also apports a good quantity of minerals, vitamins and fiber, well-knows examples for this category are chickpeases, lentils, beans, broad beans, peas and lupins
Fresh fruit and vegetables:
These foods have an high quantity of water, vitamins and a low content of fats and calories
Meat and fish:
The mediterranean diet suggests a higher consumption of fish, instead of meat: it has great proteic qualities, fat acids and minerals.
What about meat? it's preferable chicken, turkey and rabbit, "red meat" consumption is suggested seldom.
Eggs and Milk derivates:
Nothing much to say, these foods are famous for their large protein content; about the eggs it needs to be told that the yolk (the red part) is less healthy than the white one
I found this pic that explains easily foods and doses of this diet.
*Meat refers to "red meat", poultry to the "white meat"
It's considered by many the most well-structured nutritional model.
In this diet we can see a large use of bread, fruit, vegetables, spices, cereals, olive oil, fish and wine; it seems paradoxical, but olive oil lowers bad-cholesterole level, and a little alcol after each meal is a protective factor.
Mostly bread, pasta and rice, but also corn, barley, spelt and oat.
Their composition presents a discreet content of slow-absorb carbohydrats and a high content of proteins. It's good for you to assume every kind of protein in order to have no lack of one-or-more type of amino acids.
They also apports a good quantity of minerals, vitamins and fiber, well-knows examples for this category are chickpeases, lentils, beans, broad beans, peas and lupins
Fresh fruit and vegetables:
These foods have an high quantity of water, vitamins and a low content of fats and calories
Meat and fish:
The mediterranean diet suggests a higher consumption of fish, instead of meat: it has great proteic qualities, fat acids and minerals.
What about meat? it's preferable chicken, turkey and rabbit, "red meat" consumption is suggested seldom.
Eggs and Milk derivates:
Nothing much to say, these foods are famous for their large protein content; about the eggs it needs to be told that the yolk (the red part) is less healthy than the white one
I found this pic that explains easily foods and doses of this diet.
*Meat refers to "red meat", poultry to the "white meat"